The outline is as follows. 1. In verses 1-3 the ‘Nations are raging’ (a Theological conspiracy theory) A. The formality of their rebellion (2:1) B. The force of their rebellion (2:2) C. How America has ‘broken her bonds with Christ & cast away the cords’ D. The focus of their rebellion (2:3). 2. In verses
You may remember last year when Pastor Zephaniah and co-laborers were ministering at the front door steps of the ‘Family Planning Associates’ abortion clinic, located on Miramar Road in San Diego, Calif. That is when Abortion Doctor Robert Santella approached Zephaniah. Santella escalated the situation by going ‘chest to chest’ with Zephaniah, all the while
I agree with Brother Rusty’s message, however may I add these three points. #1 the unsaved world is doing exactly what we should expect from them. That is why the Lord’s Church must ‘go out’ and preach the glorious Gospel (the whole counsel of God). Yes I believe ministries should be under a plurality of
Pastor Zephaniah and a few other Christians engage the masses at a pro Planned Parenthood rally. As you can see in these videos, this rally consists of pro-abortionists, homosexuals, and feminists; all haters and enemies of God. Pastor Zephaniah and his team not only have a high view of the local church, and her ecclesiastical
xBy Gods grace today I was able to put my boots back on the ground. I bet these landscapers didn’t realize they would be attending a church service. That’s where pulpits should also be, in the gutters, the highways, hedges, and byways. Yesterday I had shared on Facebook that sadly many ‘professing’ Christians were at
This post is for those that profess to be Christian (as I do not expect this from the unsaved world). Though well intended, a well-known “evangelical” (Michael Brown) put this graphic on his Facebook page, along with his own preface which read, “The real way to make America great again!” But what is this graphic
The Gospel was shared with this man. If the Lord grants him repentance, and bequeaths salvation to him, he will spend an eternity in heaven. But if not, he will then be under the wrath of God for an eternity. He will be without excuse on judgment day, please pray for this man. I’d love
My brief election sermon that perhaps would be heard from the pulpits of our Nation centuries ago By Bill Rhetts This post applies to Christians only, and does not apply to non- Christians; nor should we expect this from them. One of the worst characteristics that the Lord Jesus refuted, resisted, and rebuked; was hypocrisy.