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Brother Rusty Thomas comments on God’s judgement, and Hurricane Harvey

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I agree with Brother Rusty’s message, however may I add these three points.

#1 the unsaved world is doing exactly what we should expect from them. That is why the Lord’s Church must ‘go out’ and preach the glorious Gospel (the whole counsel of God).

Yes I believe ministries should be under a plurality of Elders, but frankly most churches fall miserably short in this area. That is why we should not be opposed to all “para church” ministries. Because some are doing what many local churches will not. Currently I am working on an itinerary, for lots of ‘street preaching’ that I plan to do soon (Lord willing) in another State (thankfully my heart has stabilized via my Ablation – Meds – Pacemaker & Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator).

#2 Christians should not fear Gods judgment. We shouldn’t try to prevent it, nor should we try to usher it in (not that we could).

#3 many ‘professing’ (alleged) Christians have tolerated, participated with, and/or celebrated with these aforementioned National sins. And they are the same ones that hypocritically post clichés like “Let’s make America great again,” or “God bless America.” To say the latter, in some cases, can perhaps be taking the Lord’s name in vain (aka blasphemy).

I say Lord let ‘Your’ will be done.

Thank you brother Rusty for your video and ministry.

In the meantime, as always – Ye must be born again. Christians love ‘biblically’ – repent – be salt and light – be holy – be sanctified – fear God – pray without ceasing – keep His commandments – walk circumspectly – believe in and trust Jesus – obey the Gospel – share the Gospel – preach the Gospel – contend for the faith, – hate the things that God hates, and love the things that God loves – fight the good fight – convince, rebuke, exhort – keep the faith, work-out your salvation, rejoice, and endure to the end!

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