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Tag: Apologetics

Can we push people further away from Jesus? – Podcast #38

I have a video on my YouTube channel entitled ‘What many pastors won’t tell you, regarding sexual immorality, by Paul Washer.’ It’s generated hundreds of thousands of views, and thousands of comments. Most recently YouTuber Connor Hogan submitted the following comment, “I love the heart this guy shows, but the way he talks, it gets

The Covenanters and COVID-19, by Dr. Brian Borgman (a must see video) ✔

Pastor Brian Borgman pastors Grace Community Church in Minden Nevada. They are a 1689 Confessional Church (as is mine). Borgman gives an excellent history lesson on The Covenanters, and how this portion of church history should be applied to the current COVID-19 lockdown. He discusses the roles of ‘ecclesiastical authority’ vs the ‘civil authorities,’ and

Why preach Propitiation & Expiation? – Podcast #32 ✝ 💕

Recently a Christian commented under one of my Open Air Preaching videos, “Why do you preach on ‘propitiation?’ Why don’t you just preach the Gospel?” My answer is ‘propitiation’ is a part of the Gospel. Propitiation is ‘one of two elements’ within the atonement, and the atonement is a part of the Gospel…. My show

Our Nation’s Top Cop has spoken on the COVID ‘Church Closure’ issue – Podcast 31 🚨🚓👮‍♂️🐕👍

Our Nation’s Top Cop, Attorney General William Barr has finally addressed the unconstitutional tyranny that a majority of local churches have succumbed to. Soli Deo Gloria!. “The Constitution does allow some temporary restriction on our liberties that would not be tolerated in normal circumstances…’ But even in times of emergency, when reasonable and temporary restrictions

Christians arrested during pandemic, Sheriff Chad Chronister & Prosecutor, Shepard attacked by sheep, & we need SHEEPDOGS – Podcast 26

In this Podcast I analyze a pastor’s video message, rebuking his apathy (or cowardness), and his elitist attitude. Costi Hinn made snotty derogatory remarks against Christians if they found a Biblical way to “work around the government” calling us nothing but “social revolutionaries,” or “zealots” and even “dangerous” to society. And he did that while

Charles Spurgeon vs President Trump & Pence on COVID-19 & the White House scandal that’s worse than the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, + 2 video clips & you ask why God sent this virus? – Podcast #25 ✔⭐🛑💯🔴❗❗

It’s time to step-up the game on this subject, and turn-up the heat. In this Podcast I include a video of an incident that occurred in our present White House, that is far worse the Clinton – Lewinski scandal, but Republicans, and sadly most alleged Christians are OK with. I compare how Charles Spurgeon handled

The CoronaVirus (COVID-19), a Christian response ☣ Podcast #20

It is a bad testimony that many professing Christians on social media demonstrate a lack of faith, or trust in the Lord through these various troubles. Henceforth, here is my Podcast on the CoronaVirus – COVID-19. And no, my gas mask is not for the CoronaVirus. That was to grab your attention. The Lord Jesus

Kobe Bryant’s Religion & my analysis of Pastor Greg Laurie’s “thoughts” on Kobe – Podcast Eps. #17 🛑❗🛑❗

After watching the world commit unrepented continual idolatry over Kobe’s death, and then seeing Pastor Greg Laurie’s video on Kobe’s death, it’s time to say the following hard truths. Semper Reformanda! Greg Laurie’s aforementioned video can be seen here. To know more about ‘life after death,’ read my Gospel tract here. My article on the heretical