Casual conversationalism is appreciated and preferred by most of the world. But when you proclaim God’s infallible, inerrant, sufficient Word of God, they flee. Sadly much of today’s “apologetics” have become like a ‘show and tell’ in grade school. Whereas they “share” with each other on a mutual respect level. But a Christian stands upon
I’d rather not include the names, but I just watched a debate on whether women should preach on the Lord’s Day at church. The Opponent did a fine job until he compromised during the Q&A. A woman asked the Opponent, “Does 1st Timothy 2:11-14 apply to women gifted in preaching outside the gathering of the
We live in a time when a majority of professing Christians, and local churches from all denominations, have devalued Biblical masculine preaching. Instead, they prefer sermonettes, gentle sharing, a soft tone, mutually cooperative debates, casual conversationalism, and/or the use of other methods that are only secondary to true bold preaching (or methods that shouldn’t be used at
Satan would have loved it had I engaged in a lengthy conversation with them, and missed the crowd just down the street while doing so. But I don’t give worldings (or cults) a microphone. Some evangelists make an idol out of their “apologetics.” Some even erroneously believe that it’s “necessary” to know your opponent’s teachings
Founders Ministry asked Voddie Baucham to speak on the phrase that he coined – Ethnic Gnosticism. It appeared at first that he wasn’t too thrilled to tackle this, but he did. As another person commented under this video – “Persons who live on soundbites are going to find this hard-listening.” But I’m glad I pressed-on,
Before I began to preach to this crowd, this apparent Black Hebrew Israelite (although not confirmed) tried to distract me by engaging in a ‘one on one’ conversation with him, rather than share the Gospel with everyone else. Satan would have loved it had I submitted to his request, to engage in apologetics with him.
It is my personal ethic that personal messages, or private messaging, and/or private emails should remain ‘personal and private.’ But unfortunately today I am seeing some professing Christians take screenshots of ‘private’ messages, and then making them public. I’ve had that done to me, and it’s not a pleasant experience. Therefore, so that I do
When I saw the below news article entitled “Revival hits army base with 1459 receiving Christ,” I just had to read it. Though there are many things wrong with this story, the following is my synopsis. Their so-called “found faith” is not something to be found. Faith is a gift from the Lord (Eph 2:7-9).
Though Christians are commanded to preach the glorious Gospel, we also have a duty to oppose false teachings. We’re not called to make friends with the world, nor fellowship with them, nor invite them to “church.” We’re commanded to warn them, and sometimes you will push them away, because they are already dead in their
Amen, what Voddie said that I appreciate the most, is it is not necessary to know what the other person believes, to effectively witness to them. But it is more important to thoroughly know, understand, and apply what our Scriptures say. We must have a higher view of God, and His Scriptures; than of our