Working as a police officer in the big city, I testify that every Halloween there is an increase in crime and demonic activity. There was a season when an initiation for want-a-be gangbangers was to assault children while they went trick or treating. Hence, a little boy in my LAPD beat was tragically shot &
My preface If Christian men are going to engage in the defense of Biblical masculinity (via apologetics). Then it will be necessary to oppose egalitarianism and feminism while doing so (via polemics). Whether he be a male wearing a dress, or a female wearing a military or police uniform, all forms of cross-dressing are a
Years ago, while visiting my first reformed church I asked a fellow “When and where does your men’s ministry meet?” He replied, “We don’t have one, they’re not Biblical!” I was taken aback by that. But being taken back is a good thing. I didn’t fight it. I investigated it and learned the difference between
A friend from California emailed the below video to me. This incident occurred back on March 31, 2020, and a judge recently ordered its release for public view. This video depicts multiple California Highway Patrol officers having blood drawn from a DUI suspect. The suspect had refused to comply and resisted the lawful demands of
As you know I made a podcast calling out Josh Buice and Paul Washer for their false teaching and application on Romans 13. A fruit of that teaching was the cowardly closure of churches during Covid. Had it been their own private decision between their Elders, I would have remained silent. But what provoked me to
Well, the Lord has spoken. Via His Divine decree, He has orchestrated events that made it clear we are to retire to the State of Tennessee. However, for personal reasons, we will maintain dual residency in both states, but only for a few years. Though my wife will still be in California much of the time.
While serving in the 90s as the elected Vice President of a police organization, the President (a moderate Republican) warned others about me saying, “Watch out, he’s to the right of Reagan!” Those words were meant to insult me. Nonetheless, those words have stuck with me all these years, and I receive them as a
Today many pastors across America are joining Canadians in their protest against Canada’s ban on conversion therapy, as well as their new laws that limit their speech in regards to what the Bible says about sexual immorality. The Church today would do well to repent from embracing, following, or emulating postmodern pastors. Instead, they should
The reason I decided to make this blog post is this. Today I watched a video of a professing Christian telling anyone that does not agree with his public display of alcoholic consumption to more or less pound sand. That’s the inconsiderate selfish arrogance that we must push back on. I say this with love
Based on social media posts and conversations I’ve had with some; it is obvious that many are becoming faithlessly desperate for a better nation. And for most of them, their solutions are not Biblical, but rather are carnal, secular, political, and/or pragmatic. Consequently, I’m seeing a rapid increase of bringing nationalism into the church, and a