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Tag: Articles

Responding to a YouTuber’s comment “Am I still a “sinner?”

YouTuber Tom Dutch inputted the following comment under one of my videos. I believe Tom’s comment is reasonable. Therefore below is my response. Tom thank you for your comment. Yes you are partially correct, and yes perhaps I do say that too much. But let us not forget that the Apostle Paul referred to himself

The Glorious Gospel – my Gospel Tract

The Glorious Gospel by Bill Rhetts (This is the content of our new Gospel Tract entitled “The Herald”) The Bible says that in the beginning God created the heavens, and the earth, and everything in it; and He said “It was good” (Genesis 1&2). But because of the sin of the First Adam (in the

Biblical Thoughts on Billy Graham, by Zephaniah Mel, M.Div.

Biblical Thoughts on Billy Graham, by Zephaniah Mel, M.Div. The focus of this post is not for the purpose of debating the salvation of Billy Graham or the success he garnered, but a post to bring another perspective concerning the dangerous pitfalls of ecumenism (*[for this context] “an ideology that desires unity among all Christian

Faith and Repentance: Which Comes First?, by Dr. Sinclair Buchanan Ferguson

It might be reasonable to say that public Heralds are the most criticized portion of the Lord’s Church, and sadly it frequently comes from professing Christians. The area that I am most criticized for by professing Christians, is that I often preach repentance. Professing Christians that are opponents of preaching repentance, will even wrongfully call