Below is a must-see solidly reformed teaching by Sonny Hernandez on “Defense of Particular Grace in Light of Arminian Objections.” As well as a repudiation of the heretical teachings called common grace, universal grace, and universal love taught in most churches today, including alleged reformed churches. Only by the grace of God, so go the
By God’s providence on this Lord’s Sabbath Day, this newly published video popped up on my Facebook feed. This video exposes some of the ecumenicalism, religious pluralism, false teachings, and heresies of C.S. Lewis. The Lord saved me out of Rome, and I don’t want to look back. However, it would be better to refer to the “catholic church” (as he calls it), Roman
Today I preached this exposition of Isaiah chapter 52:13-15 thru 53:1-12 at my church. John 3:16 is one of the most misquoted verses in the Bible and is not the Gospel. What Christ endured on His cross is not the romanticized love story #BigEva tells. It was the Father’s Holy Hellbent Hatred of sin &
A friend and brother in Christ whom I love dearly emailed the below video to me. The minister gave this speech before the Oxford Union Society on the topic of “Christianity, inclusivism, and same-sex acts.” It has since become popularly known as “The Speech That Shocked the World!” Though his speech may be conservative according
The doctrine of atonement is at the core of the Gospel. Therefore, it is essential for salvation. But through sanctification, God willing, I also believe in limited atonement, substitutionary atonement, and penal substitutionary atonement. But sadly, penal substitutionary atonement is a neglected doctrine. Arminians and many dispensationalists don’t want to believe God hates the sinner, not just sin. And that
Is country music icon Dolly Parton a false convert? Fact is, if an unregenerate person or an unrepentant Christian sit in a healthy Biblical Church, they will either be offended and leave, be convicted saved and converted, and/or be convicted repent and be restored. It appears Dolly does not have that type of Church. Let’s
Throughout the month of April, while our other Pastor preached the main sermons (we switched off), I hosted communion. But I decided to use this opportunity to do brief teachings on a specific passage, as well as disclose a particular doctrine that we can gleam from either the Text, or from what Christ accomplished on
While doing a Google search for [gospel + police] I discovered that CNN had endorsed and promoted a professing Christian police officers “Gospel” message, that video went “viral.” I attempted to download the CNN video but was unsuccessful. However, I was able to locate the exact public file that they featured in their news story.
I pray this encourages the universal body elsewhere. Regarding my comments about being a “Liar.” The context of that admission was needing salvation from my sins. But now that the Lord has granted me repentance, a new birth, He has given me a new character; and so, I am no longer a liar.