In this Psalm we will see the graphic imagery of the pain and anguish that Jesus succumbed to. One scholar said “Approach this Psalm with the utmost solemnity and reverence, because you have probably never stood on holier ground before. You have come to Golgotha where the Good Shepherd is giving His life for the
Note: Our church never closed for Covid. But unfortunately, our landlord required that we meet outside the building they owned. In this chapter we will see God’s sovereignty and the Doctrine of the Trinity throughout. We will also see the doctrines of predestination, election, limited atonement (a particular atonement), intersession, the preeminence of Christ, and
Recently a Christian commented under one of my Open Air Preaching videos, “Why do you preach on ‘propitiation?’ Why don’t you just preach the Gospel?” My answer is ‘propitiation’ is a part of the Gospel. Propitiation is ‘one of two elements’ within the atonement, and the atonement is a part of the Gospel…. My show
I was asked to teach Romans 1:16 during our Lord’s Day worship service. Hence, the following video is an exposition of Romans 1:14-19. Or you can download the Mp3 audio file here. Below this video, for your reference, I also provided a transcript. Though obviously I will not be teaching through the entire book of
I don’t know how a true convert can watch the video excerpt of this “church service” without becoming righteously indignant or convicted. Or perhaps even shed a tear. Though this Podcast was not about Allie Beth Stuckey, but she came to mind while producing it. In the name of her pro-life, political activism, and/or republican
After watching the world commit unrepented continual idolatry over Kobe’s death, and then seeing Pastor Greg Laurie’s video on Kobe’s death, it’s time to say the following hard truths. Semper Reformanda! Greg Laurie’s aforementioned video can be seen here. To know more about ‘life after death,’ read my Gospel tract here. My article on the heretical
We live in a time when a majority of professing Christians, and local churches from all denominations, have devalued Biblical masculine preaching. Instead, they prefer sermonettes, gentle sharing, a soft tone, mutually cooperative debates, casual conversationalism, and/or the use of other methods that are only secondary to true bold preaching (or methods that shouldn’t be used at
These great commands by our Lord are rarely truly applied, obeyed and/or practiced (at least from my observations). Therefore I put this sermon together for the Lord’s people. I did an exposition of the Text, and shared several experiences, and how I applied this passage to them. The sermon notes to this teaching are available
The sermon notes to this sermon, can be found below the embedded video. Now in part two, in verses 5-7 we will study the following. ‘The vessel to honor,’ which is prepared by ~ (a) confession (b) provision (c) the remission of sins. Let us first read the Text, verses 5-7. 5 Then said I,
The Puritans often preached from the book of Jeremiah, hence came their nickname the “Jeramiahans.” Therefore I have been street preaching from the book of Jeremiah. This morning I preached from chapter 25:15-17. This morning the lines were very long on both ends. Interestingly one fellow told me that I should have preached and prayed