In my first year in Tennessee, I learned that our own Board of County Commissioners was considering eminent domain of the land of fellow citizens. Eminent domain is when the Government utilizes the power to seize the private property of their own citizens, with some compensation, with or without our consent, and use it for their
Sadly, most churches in West Tennessee closed their doors yesterday, because of a little snow. I don’t usually like satire or parodies. But at the beginning of COVID I did one parody, using a famous scene from the movie Downfall. Where the sinister Hitler was ranting & raving in a meeting with leaders. My parody
This week’s “big storm” or “inclement weather” that the media warned us about in West Tennessee gave us only six inches of snow. It’s the same snow that stopped falling yesterday. The roads have been well-plowed, and the skies are now sunny, blue, and clear. But sadly, many local churches have advertised on Facebook that
So many “churches” are like the world, while trying hard to say they’re not. Repackaging Halloween with Trunk-Or-Treat, Harvest, or Fall-O-Ween, is like putting lipstick on a pig. It’s a counterfeit Christianity. Their “Fall-O-Ween Jesus” is blasphemy. My words are gracious to those who claim their “Christian liberty” to do so as ‘individuals.’ But the
I write this to men. Since men are called to lead in their homes, government, churches, and communities, I have greater expectations of them. This winter storm the Lord has brought to the Southeast is not an anomaly to me. I am near the East Coast. The anomaly is how a majority of businesses, churches,
The citizens of Israel are supposedly a leader of the free world in being well-trained in preparation, self-defense, situational awareness, and tactical readiness. But the recent Muslim invasion inside their borders proves that not to be the case. Since yesterday, Muslims have taken hundreds of women and children from their homes. Many have been kidnapped, raped, tortured,
Recently I spent the day in Memphis. Though I made no friends, I made some enemies. That’s Biblical Evangelism (John 15:18–21). Memphis is Tennessee’s next best thing to Los Angeles, which is a great place for the Lord’s people to intervene or interpose with the Gospel. No matter where we may be, Paul charged Timothy
We need to make the Bible Belt Great Again. And the best way to accomplish that is thru the preaching, sharing, and teaching of the glorious Gospel. For the glory of God today I sowed lots of Gospel Seeds in downtown Memphis. At this bus depot I was able to distribute these Gospel tracts to
Before you read the Gateway Pundit article below, please read my preface. I have many things to say, but here are only some of my thoughts, lest I give the thought police ammunition. Regarding California politics. My main regret is not leaving California sooner. But dear Tennesseans, don’t be fooled to think this could not
According to Fox 17 WZTV news, during a permitted “pride festival” at a public park, a “prayer group” was asked to leave. The police responded and escorted them out of the park. I did not know about this event until I read this article. Nor do I know the people in this “prayer group,” or their doctrine