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Tag: Biblical judging

A video teaching of Psalm chapter 1:1-3, by Bill Rhetts (whom Christians are ‘not’ to “walk” with, obeying God’s Law, and Biblical Christianity in a postmodern era & how to prosper)

As I prepared for this expository study (other than one scholar), I studied under the teachings of scholars from the 1400’s up to the 1800’s. Therefore, this teaching will not be ‘watered down’ with contemporary fruffles. We will learn of the dangers of ‘walking’ with non-saved ‘friends.’ We will also learn how to ‘Biblically’ love

Video Biblically witnessing to a homosexual, that thought he was going to heaven

Though all sin is evil, and all sin brings forth death and damnation, the Scriptures do speak specifically on sexual immorality. Sadly I know an increasing percentage of ‘professing’ (alleged) Christians that have succumbed to Satan, by not only tolerating sexual immorality. Furthermore they have accepted it, acquiesced to it, congratulated it, and even celebrated