Another false convert due to a local pastor’s unbiblical soteriology. For my video teaching on why Christians (or professed Christians) should not drink alcohol, please click here. Music ‘He wanted you to join us,’ by Lorne Balfe.
Though we should all hope to never need to do this, at times it is Biblically necessary. Too many today are into this Oprah Winfrey positive stinking thinking, that believes telling the truth in love is “negative.” For my video / exegetical Bible study on ‘When to ‘Scope out, Mark and Avoid’ a false teacher
Brother Ronnie, Michael and their team was able to herald the Gospel to tens of thousands of souls at this large event / stadium. As Ronnie preached to many at this outdoor Hooters party, their MC preached another Gospel from his stage microphone. This exchange between Ronnie and the MC was spiritual warfare to say
Pardon my raspy voice. After explaining to them what it means to Biblically call upon the name of the Lord to be saved, I decided to share my testimony. And how the Lord saved me. Though I did not mention this in the previous video, perhaps I should to encourage other street preachers. After my
This is a must see video for the church. A side note. I lost count as to how many Christians have stated that when born-again Christians gather to watch a ball game together, that it is “fellowship.” That is not only an unbiblical statement, it’s an affront to a Holy God, to call that “fellowship.”
“But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:” (Matthew 15:18-19).
In the name of tolerance this passage is rarely taught us such, and it is rarely applied. In this exegetical study we will see when and how the Lord calls born-again Christians to scope-out, identify, mark, and avoid a false teacher, and/or the skandalon. As well as how we are sinning when we do not
Ever since the two Jihadists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, devastated our community, I’ve been responding with the Sword of the Lord. I have infiltrated several of these locations by penetrating them with the Gospel, utilizing multiple methods of evangelism. I have chosen to not upload a lot of the video footage, specifically some
Bit of a rough start, but the Lord prevailed. Praise the Lord for how he worked thru this crowd. By the grace of God I was able to preach the whole counsel of God, pray for people, and engage in one on ones. I also distributed tracts to them. You will also hear from two
This is another phase of a multi-phase response to terrorism in our community. For more about this multi-phase outreach, click on the ‘Redlands Terrorists’ tag here (this tag will keeping growing over this next week). For my PowerPoint entitled ‘Biblical Evangelism’ click here. Music purchased at iTunes, ‘The Warrior’s Code’ by Epic Score.