Thou we (the Christians) do need a place to meet, today most do “church” backwards. The ‘church’ is not the building that we call our ‘church.’ Biblically speaking, the word ‘church’ comes from the Greek word Ecclesia (or Ekklesia). Which means to ‘go out and assemble.’ Which includes the Biblical commandment to ‘go out’ and
Today on Christmas Eve Day I finished my ‘Preaching Christ Crucified’ campaign at retail stores near you. During this campaign I preached inside and outside of stores throughout the Inland Empire. I distributed many Gospel tracts, prayed for people, and engaged in ‘one on one’ conversations. At times it almost seemed as if the Lord
Today in downtown Redlands I did a lot of ‘walking & talking’ about baby Jesus, and the meaning of Christmas. I also distributed Gospel tracts. And I did some preaching into the open-air. This is a portion of that labor of love. For a great video on Biblical repentance, click here. “In answer to your
Open-air preaching at Redlands High School Update: There are some ‘professed’ believers that believe preaching the Gospel in the public “turns people off.” Well they are partially correct. Because those that are ‘turned off’ will perish, but those that get ‘turned on’ God saved. Preaching the Gospel in public is not an option, it is
Like last year during the “holiday season,” I have begun my ‘Preaching Christ Crucified’ campaign at retail stores near you. On this outreach Costco Management and security had me flanked fairly fast (understandably so). However they were very professional and very respectable. Consequently I did not get to finish my sermon. But by God’s grace,
Last night I used various methods of evangelism. Some of them were open-air preaching, crying out, calling out, stop light preaching, cross walk preaching, rapid tract distribution (RTD), as well as engaging in ‘one on one’ conversations. Lord willing the malls and stores are next. Below is a portion of that labor of love. .
The movie ‘Last Ounce of Courage,’ by Hellfighter Productions I recommend watching this excellent movie about God, country, patriotism, duty, honor, sacrifice, family, and being a freedom fighter. Our freedoms in this great country are rapidly eroding away. But most of the church is assuming the role of the proverbial ostrich with her head in
Here in San Antonio Texas I was able to do lots of open-air preaching, tract distribution, one on ones, cry-outs, ect. By Gods’ grace, I was able to herald many cry-outs from these foot bridges. The soil was watered beforehand, with lots of prayer, and a total of approx. 3,000 solid Gospel Tracts (Over a
Throughout this day I labored downtown by distributing hundreds of tracts, and engaged in a couple fruitful conversations. I open-air preached many mini-sermons in front of the famous ‘Alamo.’ I also ‘cried out’ to large crowds as they incrementally gathered. I believe I was about to be arrested (I saw the police arriving). Therefore, I
Perhaps the sole purpose of this message was to exhort the one young lady that identified herself as a Christian (actually she exhorted me.) She was very attentive to the message, and I wasn’t surprised to see her raise her hand. I feel terrible about brushing off those nice young men that wanted to talk