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Tag: Communion

The Bible Belt sinfully neglects the Lord’s Supper

Over the past ten months, we’ve visited over ten churches in the Bible Belt, and are thankful for the experience. One church we remained for two months, and another church for three. Out of all those churches, and all those Lord’s Days, not one practiced the command to participate in communion, not even once. One

Hosting Communion from Psalm 22, by Bill Rhetts

Throughout the month of April, while our other Pastor preached the main sermons (we switched off), I hosted communion. But I decided to use this opportunity to do brief teachings on a specific passage, as well as disclose a particular doctrine that we can gleam from either the Text, or from what Christ accomplished on

John 17 – The High Priestly Prayer (preached today at my Church) 📢⛪📣

Note: Our church never closed for Covid. But unfortunately, our landlord required that we meet outside the building they owned. In this chapter we will see God’s sovereignty and the Doctrine of the Trinity throughout. We will also see the doctrines of predestination, election, limited atonement (a particular atonement), intersession, the preeminence of Christ, and

Video of ‘The BEST MEMORIAL DAY ever’

During this holiday season, my theme was memorializing the most prolific, powerful, and prophetic Memorial Day ever. One that I formally celebrate monthly. Though this Memorial Day is the most important, it was also an opportunity to thank our Veterans for their service. The “Atheist” was very mellow, but the aggressive ones will be commenting