This is sermon one of an exposition of the Epistle of Jude. But in vs 3c he tells them that it is “necessary” to “appeal” to them, and to “contend for the faith.” If this warning to “contend for the faith” was needed then, then how much more is it needed now. Even amongst the
Pastor Brian Borgman pastors Grace Community Church in Minden Nevada. They are a 1689 Confessional Church (as is mine). Borgman gives an excellent history lesson on The Covenanters, and how this portion of church history should be applied to the current COVID-19 lockdown. He discusses the roles of ‘ecclesiastical authority’ vs the ‘civil authorities,’ and
Below are some of my Tweets (and other brief thoughts) as this fluid “pandemic” situation unfolds and changes, and many of them were linked to my Gospel tract. The CoronaVirus is working. The NBA suspended their season. Now will the other sports gods and idolaters suspend their season? Because of COVID19 the President declares a
Podcaster Jon Harris has been engaged on the front lines in the spiritual battle for Biblical manhood, and Biblical courage. Most recently he has been contending for the faith in the sense that Christians are not to bow down and submit to the authorities in all matters. To address the right way and wrong way
The sermon notes to this sermon, can be found below the embedded video. Now in part two, in verses 5-7 we will study the following. ‘The vessel to honor,’ which is prepared by ~ (a) confession (b) provision (c) the remission of sins. Let us first read the Text, verses 5-7. 5 Then said I,
I assisted a pastor and his team, in evangelizing this MLK Parade. However an apostate homosexual “church,” pridefully participated in this parade, parading their sins amongst this community. Hence, we spent much of our time contending for the faith, rebuking, preaching to, and warning the community of their apostasy. This apostate “church” summoned the authorities
Last night on television, during the vice presidential debate, Mike Pence publicly gave his testimony regarding his faith. He stated, “My Christian faith became real for me when I made a personal decision for Christ.” Bear in mind that the aforementioned ‘statement of faith’ was seen and heard by an estimated viewership of over 50,000,000 people
The Scriptures say that ‘the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those that are perishing.” The professed Christian in this video is also perishing. Open-air preaching should be hated by the world, but sadly it’s hated by most our unbiblical Americanized non-saved churchianity. Believing in Jesus does not necessarily mean that you’re born-again of