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Tag: Creation

Barn Swallows in our porch pillars

I saw remnants of mud above this pillar and thought it was from the wasps we see around, so I was getting ready to spray it. But thankfully before spraying, we saw Barn Swallows landing there. When we sit on the porch, they make it clear that we’re not welcome. Though my video did not

An Exposition of Psalm 19, by Pastor Bill Rhetts 🌎

The theme in this chapter is the glory of God, praise, grace, and prayer. Matthew Henry said this of Psalm 19, “There are two excellent books which the great God has published for the instruction and edification of the children of men; this psalm treats of them both, and recommends them both to our diligent

An Exposition of Psalm 8, by Bill Rhetts

Today was a wonderful Lord’s day. Brother Mike led worship in the singing of hymns, and the reading of Scriptures. I preached the below exposition on Psalm 8. Brothers Robin and Mike assisted with communion. We also had a visit from a wonderful family, and we all enjoyed much fellowship with them. The congregation participated