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Tag: Discipleship

The idolatry of the movie Unplanned, wrongfully believing it can Biblically “change a person’s mind,” and my critique of a Facebook friends insinuating comment

It is my personal ethic that personal messages, or private messaging, and/or private emails should remain ‘personal and private.’ But unfortunately today I am seeing some professing Christians take screenshots of ‘private’ messages, and then making them public. I’ve had that done to me, and it’s not a pleasant experience.  Therefore, so that I do

Responding to a YouTuber’s comment “Am I still a “sinner?”

YouTuber Tom Dutch inputted the following comment under one of my videos. I believe Tom’s comment is reasonable. Therefore below is my response. Tom thank you for your comment. Yes you are partially correct, and yes perhaps I do say that too much. But let us not forget that the Apostle Paul referred to himself