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Tag: Discipleship

Video evangelizing the Veterans Hospital

This is not my preferred method of evangelism, but for a season. On this day I spoke with many people coming in and out of the VA Hospital, as well as some passerby’s. Here’s a portion of a much larger labor of love.

Video of a lady that was misled by her pastors unbiblical churchianity, acceptance Gospel & easy believe’ism (a Biblical rebuke & correcting)

This women is the fruit of unbiblical evangelicalism / churchianity, that’s tells the worldlings “just believe” to be saved. Neither a profession of faith, nor an intellectual belief are salvific. If you truly have a ‘Biblical’ love for the lost, you would never tell the lost to just “believe.” What many evangelists are experiencing today,

A must see video message on ‘Authentic Christianity,’ by Michael Durham

Today we see the growing trend of professing Christians assimilating to their culture, even to sinful lifestyles; in hopes that they would be accepted by the world. They claim to do this so that “They’ll Jesus inside me” etcetera etcetera. Oh how blasphemous, and man-centered that unbiblical nonsense is. As pastor Michael Durham said –