Are all sins equal to all other sins? In the fear of God, for the glory of God, and by the grace of God, I submit this video to you. For an additional blog post where I talk about professing Christians that go on ‘double dates’ with the sexually immoral, in hopes to “witness” to
One of the pastors in these videos invited me to join them at this conference. But due to unexpected hospitalization co-pays, medical office co-pays, prescription medicine co-pays, and adjudicating two separate ambulance bills; this was out of my budget. 🙁 However I am very thankful that I’m only paying co-pays, and not the entire bills.
This is not my preferred method of evangelism, but for a season. On this day I spoke with many people coming in and out of the VA Hospital, as well as some passerby’s. Here’s a portion of a much larger labor of love.
Sadly, today many ‘methods’ of evangelism have become idols, and to some, their evangelists have become idols to them. Brethren, anytime we’re ‘reasoning’ with the lost, we ought to be reasoning directly from the Scriptures, we must use the Sword of the Lord (the Scriptures). But Comfort by his own admission is an opponent of
A vast majority of pastors across America are opponents to Biblical open-air preaching (a Biblical calling). Hypocritically they are the ones that need to defend their westernized churchianity, but they can’t, because they have no defense. “No sort of defense is needed for preaching out of doors; but it would need very potent arguments to
This women is the fruit of unbiblical evangelicalism / churchianity, that’s tells the worldlings “just believe” to be saved. Neither a profession of faith, nor an intellectual belief are salvific. If you truly have a ‘Biblical’ love for the lost, you would never tell the lost to just “believe.” What many evangelists are experiencing today,
Based on what I’m observing on social media, many Christians are becoming unloving, and very legalist in their posts and comments regarding this presidential election. I like what Dr. James White said in warning the church about this presidential election. “Be careful that your zeal for things political does not drag you across the line
A Biblical response to the hysteria of this 2016 Presidential election by Bill Rhetts A post to all professing Christians: An element of salvation is repentance, faith, and trust in the Lord, all of which the Lord gives vertically to those whom he saves (His church). That repentance, faith, and trust should become evident, as
To my Christian friends. I don’t know what I like better. The older days when voters generally didn’t tell who they’re voting for, and our voting booths even had curtains on them. Or today when most voters tell everyone who they’re voting for. Nevertheless, whom a person endorses (or supports on social media) tells a
Today we see the growing trend of professing Christians assimilating to their culture, even to sinful lifestyles; in hopes that they would be accepted by the world. They claim to do this so that “They’ll Jesus inside me” etcetera etcetera. Oh how blasphemous, and man-centered that unbiblical nonsense is. As pastor Michael Durham said –