From Chaplain Bill, I’m just an ordinary sinner, saved and changed by an extraordinary Savior. What I’m about to share is not politically correct, but it is Biblically correct. Yesterday I received a personal message from a Facebook friend that I’ve personally known for a while now. For the record I’m all for Biblical instruction,
I made this topical study four years ago. From time to time it is necessary to re-post. This is also applicable to this presidential election, and how we choose to vote. There is another fellow on Facebook that also bears the name of Bill. He is so patriotically minded in his Christian views, that he
When a professed Christian uses profanity, it is an affront to a Holy God, as well as a terrible witness. If you profess to be a Christian, but practice profanity, then I encourage you to “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves,
On this day I preached in Rancho Cucamonga, then labored in Ontario, and then into San Bernardino. The first two were brief, and non-eventful (but Gods Word promises to never return void). There were several other preachers at the first location. But much happened in San Bernardino. After preaching this sermon, one lady asked some
In these 12 short videos, Pastor Geoff Kirkland answers the many questions that you may have. He also refutes the unbiblical criticisms that street preachers get from some that profess to be Christian. Kirkland is a pastor and an open-air preacher. Throughout these videos he covers – Why Do Open Air Preaching? What Is Open Air
In this video I give an exegetical teaching of Gods prophetic Word in regards to many end-times warnings. I go over each characteristic and attribute of today’s false converts, wolves, (and/or false teachers). I also share some personal experiences, and how Christians must avoid these sins. As well as what the translations of each specific
Dr. R.C. Sproul Sr. is a brilliant scholar, as he handles this controversy ever so circumspectly, and with much dignity. Sproul refutes the false teaching that a professed Christian can be continually carnal. This false teaching comes from those that take Romans 7:14 out of context. Or that do their own ‘eisegesis’ of the text,
Now that the other candidates have stepped down from the presidential race, I will respectfully say this. I am not ashamed to be an ‘out of the closet’ conservative (a real one), and most importantly a born-again Christian. But sadly much of America does not understand what a true conservative is, nor do they understand
A must see 9-minute video as Pastor Tim rebukes his congregation (and others) for being too soft. For years now I’ve been fighting against this as well. America’s churchianity suffers from a masculinity crisis. As their description field states. “For us Americans almost everything is instant, and we want it now. We’re sadly a very