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Tag: Emergent church

5 reasons women should NOT street preach! By Ryan Denton 🛑🚫

I wholeheartedly agree with Ryan Denton’s message/warning. It is my personal opinion that the “ministry” that has done the greatest disservice to the Lord’s Church in this regard, is Ray Comfort’s Way of the Master ministry. For many years they have trained-up hundreds (maybe even thousands) of women to preach the Gospel in the streets.

Franklin Graham, Kirk Cameron and others join hands with a heretic, a homosexual advocate, and worldly entertainers for the Hope Rising COVID-19 Benefit Concert 💲🤑💰

According to entertainment media icon TV Insider, many well-known professing Christians are joining hands with a heretic, a pro-homosexual advocate, and worldly entertainers to raise money for Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse ministry. TV Insider stated that, “Music has been a powerful source of comfort, hope and overall entertainment for so many during these uncertain times.

Many Churches are closing their doors in fear of the Corona Virus, or in compliance with the Government, while the abortion mills, bars & strip clubs remain open 😪😒😷

Next week President Trump will have spent one TRILLION dollars fighting an invisible virus that God decreed, and is in absolute control of. That trillion will be added to our existing 23 trillion dollar debt. As the media sensationalizes this melodrama, he will use the taxpayers’ money to fund this socialist stimulus/bail-out package. He even

Podcast S1 E7 – Same Sex Attractions amongst ‘professing’ Christians (with video clip of interview of former gays) 🔞✔

If a professing Christian believes-in, or normalizes SSA’s amongst professing Christians, then I suggest they are either a liberal, bi-sexual, a homosexual, a false teacher, a capitulator, and/or an apostate. While discussing this very controversial subject, I discuss different forms of attraction. I tell an applicable story of a gorgeous woman that I and three