Music purchased at, and provided by iTunes. “The Lord’s Prayer,” by Jackie Evancho. I heard about this event on the news two days ago. I wish I had more time to put together a better message, but I pray this will do. Other fellow soldiers for Christ, also distributed Gospel tracts to their guests, as
My voice is raspy from preaching elsewhere. This sermon was preached inside and outside of many stores and market places. Thou out of the cameras view. Thankfully the sidewalk to my right across the street, had lots of pedestrian traffic. That restaurants outer patio was full of patrons too. This outreach met with a more
This is in response to the many Christians I see on Facebook, asking others to sign online petitions for his release. I am not opposed to those that do so. However I do want to look at this from a different angle, putting things into a Biblical perspective. Yes we do need to pray for
Imprecatory prayers are Biblical. That is why I pray the Lord either saves Obama, or removes him out of office – by any means necessary. But then perhaps Obama is the beginning of Gods coming judgment; in which this corrupt nation, and her emergent churches deserve. Every one of the following sins fit Obamas’ character,
Our intent was to preach this message into a larger crowd, during Redlands highly populated outdoors Market Night. However apparently the city took a break so that the citizens could enjoy other Halloween festivities. We decided to press-on with a smaller crowd. Across the street in the restaurants patio, was a captive audience. Usually when
Today I preached at a couple places in Riverside. While I was walking downtown (heading for the outdoor lunch crowd,) I then saw this monument. I was heading to the other location, with a pre-planned, pre-printed sermon, but the Lord showed me this. I then sat down praying that the Lord would give me the
Joel was very wise in how he couched his words. You don’t ever want to be wrong when discussing prophecy. When I gave an expository study thru the book of Revelation, the following quote was always embedded in my mind. “If we were to err, it would be better to err on the side of
Today I distributed many Gospel tracts at different locations, and preached a couple sermons. The below video is from my last stop. Please pray for this young man ‘Nick.’ I would have spent more time with Nick, but he needed to go. Also, please pray for all the others that heard the Gospel, as they were