Beginning this week, the U.S. Supreme court will begin hearing testimony on California’s Proposition 8, as well as the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. Below is my commentary on this subject. Some will accuse this video of being “judgmental.” If so, they are correct. However, it is a Biblical form of judgment, according to the
Trust in the Lord always, but use much discretion with others. No I am not wearing an aluminum hat, but this has gone beyond conspiracy ‘theories.’ This is now a proven fact. Please take note that this is a secular film. The following is pasted from the videos description box. “The Chemtrail / Geo-Engineering Coverup Revealed. By now
Back in 2003 IPOC Ministries hosted a fairly large event at Immanuel Baptist Church in Highland Calif. I didn’t even attend this church, but they were gracious enough to allow us to use it. Our event was entitled ‘The New World Order Briefing’ (NWO.) Our keynote speaker was Dr. Kent Hovind (aka Dr. Dino.) Our
The State of the Roman Catholic Religion, and the criminology, victimology, and theology of Catholicism by Chaplain Bill Rhetts March 8th, 2013 Introduction: On February 11, 2013, the 85-year old pope Benedict XVI, announced that “because of advanced age,” he would resign by the end of the month. This news made history, because the last
Video of the Police State’s new Micro Air Vehicle (MAV,) unobtrusive, invasive, and lethal weapon. Undetected, hundreds can be dropped over a city. But the fact is, all they need is just one. Trust me, it won’t be used solely for international warfare. It will be used against American citizens. Or perhaps this could be (could be) the
The Coming Persecution of Christians in the Coming One World Government by Paul McGuire I love God, His Church, & His Bible more than I do country. Therefore, I rejoice with this news. If we’re truly honest with ourselves, because of its increasing compromises; the church within America well deserves this. Christians within America will
As it’s been said, “It’s better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6.” Therefore, allow me to add the following preface to the below video. Make sure that the time frame between RUN, HIDE and then FIGHT, is minimal. Make sure that where you hide, is cover and not just concealment. Concealment only
Disclaimer: This is not a professional presentation. The content of the message is what is important. All three videos on the three different subject matters, are on this one page. Part 1/3 (Romans 13:1-5) Too many Christians within America believe that they are always to agree with, submit to, or acquiesce to those within the
This is our new America. I sure loved the owners stellar witness, as he boldly shared the Gospel to the state. A few weeks ago when it was applicable to the Scriptures while preaching thru Proverbs, I shared that the Government will use the U.S. Supreme courts affirmation of the State seizing our properties (aka