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Tag: Eschatology

My Teaching on Isaiah 6:1-4, He is Prolific, Powerful & Prophetic

The sermon notes to this sermon, can be found below the embedded video. During the early church the book of Isaiah was known as the “fifth Gospel.” I could imagine how the Apostles used this book as their “gospel,” and how they lived out this message in their ministry. Though I’m not teaching thru the

Video Preaching ‘God will violently destroy some of you’- 1 woman opposed the preaching, another responds in seemingly repentance & faith, while others….

This was a diverse crowd. One woman attempted to thwart my preaching, some nodded their heads ‘yes,’ while others ‘no.’ Another woman responded in tears, seemingly in repentance and faith; other professing Christians rejoiced. NOTE: This “Oppressor” or destruction by the Lord in verse 38, is (or can be) either the Lord directly Himself, or

Preached ‘Does God ordain earthquakes?’

After preaching this message, I had some great conversations and questions. The conversation with the “combat vet” was edited out. Thankfully he won’t have to carry those heavy burdens anymore. Thank You Lord for that opportunity. Doxology by Angie Lewis. 

Vice President Mike Pence, a professing Christian, endorses, praises, and swears-in homosexual Richard Grenell as a U.S. Ambassador to Germany, as his homosexual “partner” holds the Bible

First and foremost, I am thankful for the right decisions that Trump and Pence have made. However this brings reproach to Christ, hence it needs to be called out publicly. During their 2016 Presidential campaign, it was clear that Trump was an advocate for the homosexual agenda. He also stated that he does not need

Video open-air preaching from Revelation 19, a Jewish woman tells me my preaching is “obnoxious & offensive,” many Christians rejoice (private conversations edited out)

I preached out of Revelation 19. I refuted the unbiblical portraits of Jesus that many have inside their churches and homes, and told them what the Scriptures say about His appearance. I spoke of the fate of America, and warned them of unbiblical soteriologies. I called them to repentance, and compelled them to be entrusted