In spite of my Elmer Fudd speech failures, the Lord reigned on this line of people, the Lord’s Word was heard loud and clear. Many were encouraged, one asked for prayer (upper left corner video), some asked questions, conversations ensued (omitted). All by the grace of God, and for the glory of God. Lord willing
This same message was preached at two different locations this morning. I spoke about the ‘hope of heaven’ for their parishioners that were saved. While warning that some of their parishioners might not of been saved, that not everyone whom goes to church, or ‘believes’ in Jesus is saved. I preached on what Jesus said
Sadly today in America, the largest gun massacre occurred inside a church, whereas a gunman shot 37 people, killing 27 of them. Ironically it occurred on our ‘National Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.’ Since the suspect is dead we may never know the true motive. In other words, was this an intended ‘persecution
The outline is as follows. 1. In verses 1-3 the ‘Nations are raging’ (a Theological conspiracy theory) A. The formality of their rebellion (2:1) B. The force of their rebellion (2:2) C. How America has ‘broken her bonds with Christ & cast away the cords’ D. The focus of their rebellion (2:3). 2. In verses
I just got back from spending an amazing seven days in Tennessee. My primary reason for going, was to attend Reforming America Ministries third annual two-day Reformation Preaching Conference, which was hosted at Calvary Bible Church in Joelton. I traveled afar to sit, lean, listen, and learn under a collective team of extraordinary polished sophisticated
Please pray for the fellow at the end. He’s going through some very difficult times, the Lord knows his name and the details. Thank You Lord for this opportunity, to love this neighbor. As Jesus warned, “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars;” (Luke 21:25a). Stupendous eclipses
The Scriptures warn that God is a jealous God. Too many professing Christians made too much out of the Eclipse, when they should have been making much more out of Christ. Look at all the Catastrophes since this eclipse. These ‘signs of the times’ are for one purpose – to point us to, and prepare
This morning I almost went off-roading, I’m glad I did not. Today at this location I preached from Revelation 20:11-15 and Romans 8:35-39. I warned the crowd that many of them will experience God’s wrath, judgment and that “with violence,” Jesus will throw them into the lake of fire. I pleaded for them to ‘repent
I have not followed any of this news, so I did not know much about this, until this morning when I turned my radio on while enroute to evangelize. I then decided to change the Text that I was going to preach from, and I used this instead. I denounced the hatred, racism, and murder.
With the world nearing a thermo-nuclear war, as North Korea has placed California specifically in her target, the least and best I can do is sound the trumpet, and warn the masses of Gods wrath, and eternal hellfire. But sadly most people were just like in the days of Noah. They were eating and drinking,