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Video on ‘The gun massacre at ‘First Baptist Church’ in Sutherland Springs Texas’ (a Christian response)

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This same message was preached at two different locations this morning. I spoke about the ‘hope of heaven’ for their parishioners that were saved. While warning that some of their parishioners might not of been saved, that not everyone whom goes to church, or ‘believes’ in Jesus is saved. I preached on what Jesus said about Christians being killed, while comparing their ‘body to their soul.’ I gave some encouraging words to those that might be Christians in this line. I warned them of unbiblical soteriologies, and briefly shared my testimony about being involved in a ‘church shooting.’ I preached the Gospel, and pleaded to them to ‘repent and believe.’ I then opened up for Q&A. Some responded by asking questions about the message, some Christians asked for prayer, and a woman with cancer asked for prayer. The Seeds were planted, now the results are the Lords. Soli Deo Gloria!

Music ‘No Time for Caution,’ by Hans Zimmer.

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