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Tag: Expository teaching

Psalm 22:1-21, by Pastor Bill Rhetts (the Father forsaking the Son)

In this Psalm we will see the graphic imagery of the pain and anguish that Jesus succumbed to. One scholar said “Approach this Psalm with the utmost solemnity and reverence, because you have probably never stood on holier ground before. You have come to Golgotha where the Good Shepherd is giving His life for the

An Exposition of Psalm 19, by Pastor Bill Rhetts 🌎

The theme in this chapter is the glory of God, praise, grace, and prayer. Matthew Henry said this of Psalm 19, “There are two excellent books which the great God has published for the instruction and edification of the children of men; this psalm treats of them both, and recommends them both to our diligent

An Exposition of Psalm 18:13-19, by Pastor Bill Rhetts (part 2)

This sermon is part two of last weeks sermon (on verses 1-12). We continue this Theophany and supernatural warfare that God administered on behalf of David, and as He does for His elect.   C.H. Spurgeon said of verse 19, “He delivered me, because he delighted in me.” Free grace lies at the foundation. Rest

An Exposition of Psalm 18:1-12 (part 2), by Pastor Bill Rhetts

Tragically last night one of our grandkids passed. And by Gods providence, this teaching that I had prepared earlier in the week, spoke much about “death.” So, every time the Scriptures spoke about the pains (or cords) of death, it got very difficult for me. Nonetheless, as the Scriptures tell, I am thankful I was

An Exposition of Psalm 8, by Bill Rhetts

Today was a wonderful Lord’s day. Brother Mike led worship in the singing of hymns, and the reading of Scriptures. I preached the below exposition on Psalm 8. Brothers Robin and Mike assisted with communion. We also had a visit from a wonderful family, and we all enjoyed much fellowship with them. The congregation participated

An Exposition of Psalm 12 – preached at my Church

On my best day, when I’m at ‘the top of my game,’ and have my most ‘intellectual thoughts’ and strengths (which is rare these days), I am nothing but a fool for Christ, I am nothing but excrement in His hand. Let me tell you about the story of the spoon, the worm, and the

An Exposition of Psalm 23 (preached this sermon at my Church) 🐶

In this Psalm, we will see a God who saves, a God who restores, who leads, who provides, who disciplines, who loves, and who protects and secures. I also spoke about the principle of wolves, sheep, and sheepdogs, and how I’ve applied the sheepdog principle (or discipline) in Churches. In one incident I had to

John 17 – The High Priestly Prayer (preached today at my Church) 📢⛪📣

Note: Our church never closed for Covid. But unfortunately, our landlord required that we meet outside the building they owned. In this chapter we will see God’s sovereignty and the Doctrine of the Trinity throughout. We will also see the doctrines of predestination, election, limited atonement (a particular atonement), intersession, the preeminence of Christ, and