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Tag: False prophets

Video of “The Gospel Invasion of the Boardwalk – Venice Beach”

On Friday we evangelized the infamous Boardwalk in Venice Beach (LAPD Pacific Division). As my partner Daniel stated “It’s a 2-mile open bar,” where sinister activity is highly encouraged. The Boardwalk is full of hippies, sorcerers, the occult, even a black man that claims to be Christ. This is an internationally known tourist attraction, hence

Video of an expository teaching on the Epistle of 1 John Chapter 4:1-6

This expositional teaching of 1 John chapter 4:1-6 includes (but is not limited to), the testing of the spirits, discernment, warnings of false teachers & teachings, warnings of false prophets, and when division can be good. Also how Gnostics, cults, and other ‘spirits of the antichrist’ are dangerous for mans soul. The watch the entire

A short sermon ‘On the Method of Grace,’ by George Whitefield

Nearly three hundred years ago, Whitefield warned then, about what we know today as ‘easy believism,’ or the ‘acceptance Gospel.’ He warns of ministers that fail to teach the whole council of God. Hence leading many to believe that they were saved, when in fact they were not. He further explains how many non-saved believers,

A must see documentary on ‘The Real Roots of the Emergent Church’

A must see documentary on ‘The Real Roots of the Emergent Church’ Even some of the most conservative, evangelical churches are moving in this direction. The following is from their YouTube description field ~ This Christian documentary film The Real Roots of the Emergent Church will take an honest look at the leaders of the