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Tag: Finances

2019 Financial update, and 10,000 more Gospel tracts

In keeping our word for ‘financial transparency,’ the following is our ‘year to date’ financial report for 2019. Income: $1,193.71 Expense:  $497.50 A breakdown of those expenses: Bank charges $128.00 Computer / web site maintenance $142.50 Credit card merchant services $50.00 Franchise Tax Board $50.00 Postage / PO Box rental $53.00 Conferences & meetings $48.00

The fall of The Potter’s Field Ministry

According to below article, the well-known Potter’s Field Ministry (led by Michael & Pam Rozell) has been found-out for alleged sexual and financial shenanigans. To learn these folks were making “millions’ does not surprise me. But the primary blame should be upon the churches and professing Christians that enabled them for so long, with their

IPOC Financial Report for 2018 – as of 12/26/18

In the interest of disclosure and transparency, here is our 2018 financial report, as of 12/26/18. This does not include my own ‘out of pocket’ expenses, which I spend from my own personal income. So far this year our tax deductible contributions are currently at $2,717.56. Our total expenses are currently at $2,818.62. Below is

The Glorious Gospel – my Gospel Tract

The Glorious Gospel by Bill Rhetts (This is the content of our new Gospel Tract entitled “The Herald”) The Bible says that in the beginning God created the heavens, and the earth, and everything in it; and He said “It was good” (Genesis 1&2). But because of the sin of the First Adam (in the

A ‘year to date’ report on IPOC finances – as of 09-30-16

I thought I’d give a ‘year to date’ report on our IPOC finances. This does not include my own ‘out of pocket’ expenses, which I spend from my own personal income (which is very limited). This is solely from those that contribute to IPOC Ministries. So far this year our tax deductible contributions are currently

Video of an expository teaching on the Epistle of 3 John

This expositional teaching of the 3rd Epistle of John includes but is not limited to. The importance of the truth (although 2nd John covers the “truth” much better. More on what does the Bible say about assisting the brethren in need? I discussed a contrast between some local churches that over-spend, to two local churches