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Tag: Gods Decree

The Silicon Valley Bank collapse and more things to come

Like many others, over the last two years, my wife & I have lost money that we’ve invested in retirement accounts, etcetera. But we know the Lord decrees these things, perhaps as His inevitable judgment. As this worsens, sadly, people with no hope will sinfully commit suicide. But by faith, we do not complain but

The Freezing Rain phenomenon, resisting the establishment

One way professing Christians can examine themselves is how their attitude responds to the weather. In California, many grown men whined when it was “too hot.” And then they grumbled when it was “too cold.” Now in Tennessee, I’m experiencing this Freezing Rain phenomenon, but thankfully I hear less complaining. I guess some of the

An Exposition of Psalm 76, by Pastor Bill Rhetts

While doing expository teaching on this chapter, I also applied the importance of believing in the God of these Scriptures. As one woman yesterday that was killing her child at an abortion mill, claimed to already believe in both God and Jesus. I also discussed the importance of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility, as well

Charles Spurgeon vs President Trump & Pence on COVID-19 & the White House scandal that’s worse than the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, + 2 video clips & you ask why God sent this virus? – Podcast #25 ✔⭐🛑💯🔴❗❗

It’s time to step-up the game on this subject, and turn-up the heat. In this Podcast I include a video of an incident that occurred in our present White House, that is far worse the Clinton – Lewinski scandal, but Republicans, and sadly most alleged Christians are OK with. I compare how Charles Spurgeon handled