Sadly 10 cowardly Republican U.S. Senators conspired with Democrats to pass another gun reform bill. They call it being “bipartisan,” but I call it being bipolar, or bi something else. It was these 10 Republican Representatives that recently voted to raise the age limit. And now, these 10 Republican Senators passed this gun-grabbing legislation. Though I am opposed to
The great late Charlton Heston gave this legendary speech 22 years ago. Dear Sir, I heard, I heed, and I will gladly bleed in defense of this right to bear arms. I will closely watch our Republican candidates within the reach of my vote. If any of them capitulate with the Democrats, even in the
The LORD has brought this wretched sinner a long way from his former false teachings of arminianism and dispensationalism (or leaky dispensationalism). And so, it grieves me to see how many professing confessional believers are truncating important doctrines from their confessions of faith. We saw this demonstrated in how most elders and parishioners wrongfully handled
In this sermon excerpt, I discuss my former errs of dispensationalism, intentionally disobeying the Fourth Commandment – to keep the Sabbath Day holy. That we need to keep this commandment, but when necessary, to be graceful to our military and first responders that protect us on Sundays. How the Lord used me to thwart active
Amen, what an excellent much needed exhortation. Today we live amongst a castrated Christendom, where so many males have been spiritually neutered. The vaccine is no longer about a personal choice, “understand that if you capitulate, and get that shot, you have set a precedent for the government to dictate to you to what you
I agree with Schneider, and I’m thankful for him telling the truth. But sadly today a majority truncate the truth. Either because they hate gun rights, or they love their idols (movie stars) too much. About three decades ago the LAPD quit calling accidental discharges (AD) an accidental discharge, and now calls them for what
Since Christians obey the Great Commission, we are at a higher risk. Hence, here’s a valuable resource for your consideration. UPDATE 08/09/21: Since I am in more contact with COVID+ brethren, I began prophylactically taking my Ivermectin today. As I stated on Twitter today –
We’re living in the ender of end times when criminals and being lauded as heroes or victims, while police officers are being shamed simply for doing their jobs, and I won’t have any part of it. As I’ve said for decades, the criminals, they don’t play by the rules, but police officers are shackled by
In this episode I play an audio of a preacher warning Christians 12-15 years ago, of the persecution coming to America. And then the story about a brave woman who told the judge she would not close her beauty salon, during this COVID-19 lockdown, and he sentenced her to do time in jail, where she
On December 29th, 2019, a man armed with a concealed shotgun entered the West Freeway Church in White Settlement Texas and opened fire. Watch how the church security team responds, and then my final comments. Most importantly, pray for this church. Viewer discretion is advised. The news clip was courtesy of the CBSDFW News channel. To know