This is an exposition of Hebrews 6:13-20. • Vs 13-18 will be ‘God’s Infallible Purpose in Christ’ & the doctrine of Impassability • Vs 19-20 will be ‘Christ, as the Anchor of our soul & salvation & the Man behind the second curtain In vs 17 he said “So when God desired to show more
The next three verses (all one passage) are probably one of the most controversial in the NT. This passage has been interpreted by some, to say they can lose their salvation. I was once upon a time of that belief, but by Gods grace I no longer am. Vs 4-6 “For it is impossible, in
I’m enjoying my journey through Hebrews 6, here’s a peak at verses 9-10. In vs 9 Paul was admonishing them (and us) to press-on with things that matter. Specifically, “things that belong to salvation” (or sōtēria). As stated in a previous sermon, for reasons of despair and desperateness, too many professing Christians want the church
In this sermon I did an exposition of Hebrews chapter 5:1-10. The text includes, but is not limited to, the role of Levitical Priests, a warning to Jews, and Jesus as the Great High Priest. I then push back against bringing nationalism into the church. That we must think like Christians, and less like Americans.
In this sermon I give an exposition of Hebrews 4:11-16. • Vs 11-13 is the Word discovers our condition (I also talk about how today’s evangelicalism despise brethren with discernment) • Vs 14-16 is Jesus the Great High Priest; He is our confidence.
In this sermon excerpt, I discuss my former errs of dispensationalism, intentionally disobeying the Fourth Commandment – to keep the Sabbath Day holy. That we need to keep this commandment, but when necessary, to be graceful to our military and first responders that protect us on Sundays. How the Lord used me to thwart active
This was a difficult sermon to preach. Afterward, I tendered my resignation as pastor, giving them a six-week notice. My wife and I love this church dearly, and we will miss them dearly. But Lord willing, by faith, we are transitioning into a new chapter in our life; with new opportunities – Deo volente! In
This is an exposition of the entire chapter three. Vs 1-6 is the supremacy of Christ above Moses (or any of todays celebrity pastors – aka idolatry) Vs 7-13 is a grim warning of the sin and danger of unbelief Vs 14-19 is the necessity of faith in Christ, and of steadfastly following him.
Today I gave an exposition of verses 10-18. Vs 10 is Jesus, is the Founder & Captain of our salvation Vs 11-13 is Jesus, Who sanctifies us Vs 14-15 is Jesus, Who defeated the Devil, and the fear of death Vs 16-18 is Jesus, Who made propitiation for His people. In vs 11 he said