Forgive the selfie that’s not my Modus of Operandi. Unlike before, I’m enjoying my journey with this new beard. Here it’s only two ½ months old and has already been trimmed twice. I’ve learned some new things this time around. In California, our humidity was often a single digit, so my dry skin itched too
No, this presentation is not political. The RINO I spoke of is a church, or person that is Reformed In Name Only. This is a historical overview of a Reformed – Calvinist church. Regretfully I failed to mention the importance of covenant theology over the errs of dispensationalism that have crept into some so-called “reformed”
By God’s perfect providence, I saw this quote by Matt Walsh shared on social media. Further research showed its origin might be this 2018 Tweet. .The problem with this is Walsh belongs to the Roman Catholic Church, not the Catholic Church. In Reformed Theology, we Protestants teach that God’s true elect belong to the Catholic
Let’s Make the Church Great Again. Let’s Make Protesting Great Again! Today marks the 506th anniversary of Luther’s nailing of the Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Wittenberg church in 1517, which led to the Protestant Reformation. Similar to how homosexuals blasphemously hijacked God’s Noahic Covenant, making June their “pride month.” The world system
Chapter VI – First Campaign in the Valley The imminent threats of a horrific war were so ever-present. So much so that “violent mobs were collected, which intimidated not only the press, but the pulpit.” But even in times of war, the church has her marching orders, she must not flinch in the face of
Disclaimer: This is not an article or a formal position paper. It is merely a blog post to informally share my position on this subject. Many years ago, I belonged to a church that I loved dearly. But what destroyed that church were the following two effects. 1. The pastor and a majority of the
Before my time, the leadership of America began spending billions arming other countries, and some of those weapons have been (and will be) used against us. In our new millennium, we learned our Federal injustice system engaged in gunwalking, aka the fast & furious gun scandal. Whereas our citizens and police later were killed with
The title of my blog post ought to offend every Christian. But the truth is, we learned from Covid, that a majority of local churches and professing Christians, by their demonstration, held a higher view (or fear) of the authorities and the State, than the Lord and His immutable Word of God. The big news
I have a great deal of respect for those that fought and died during WWII. The war has been called the “greatest war,” and their people then have been called “the greatest generation.” I couldn’t imagine dying or becoming maimed for the freedoms of other people in another Country. Nonetheless, I believe an even greater
This is an excerpt from my sermon on Psalm 101. I give a brief history of the doctrine of lesser magistrate, modern-day experiences, and a modern-day application. As well as Biblically exposing, rebuking and calling cowardly pastors to repentance. The aforementioned interview of Pastor Jacob can be seen here.