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Tag: Home Protection

The evils of Eminent Domain, a Christian response

In my first year in Tennessee, I learned that our own Board of County Commissioners was considering eminent domain of the land of fellow citizens. Eminent domain is when the Government utilizes the power to seize the private property of their own citizens, with some compensation, with or without our consent, and use it for their

In 2011 I leaked intel warning SoCal of terrorism threats then…

FBI Director Christopher Wray recently warned “We are in a dangerous period” due to the threat level of terrorism.  Forgive me for saying this, but “I told you so.” Years ago I gave presentations all over the heartland. I thought this was another way to ‘love thy neighbor.” But only to become perplexed and disheartened

Our Generac 26kW Guardian Series Whole House Generator

We’ve been in Tennessee for ten months now, and are right-on schedule in making our homestead more self-sustainable. This week an Electrician installed our Generac 26kW Guardian Series Whole House Generator. Twenty-Six thousand watts is plenty to run everything in our home. And the model we chose has more bells and whistles than we’ll ever use.

I almost shot a Pickwick Utility employee

Forgive my rambling, but this was too important to hold back. To some, I am a fool for making this video. Others will appreciate it. Nonetheless, I am a fool for Christ. I give commentary on this problematic experience, offer some solutions to the problem, a two-minute music video, and then close with a blunder

My Gadsden flag is not for looks, it is a warning

My new 5’x8′ Gadsden Flag flying underneath the Tennessee flag. My Gadsden flag is not for looks; it is a warning. It is not offensive, it is defensive. In other words, I will not come to your home, office, or capitol to cause you trouble. But on the defense, if necessary, I am prepared to