Back in Commifornia our dogs had a beautiful enclosed backyard. But since we’ve been in Tennessee, they’ve been stuck in the house most of the time – until today. Thankfully my wife does not give me a ‘to do’ list, but I do make my own. Though this was a small project, it sure will
While letting the chickens out of their pen this morning, I discovered the Bantam was a boy. HE barley gets in the third syllable. Next will be his aggressiveness. Gender role confusion will not be tolerated on this farm.
Coming as city slickers from the overpopulated Los Angeles area, having ten acres is huge for us. But once we settled in, we realized our ten acres and farm life was only a drop in the bucket compared to what true farmers have in this rural country. Nonetheless, we are thankful for what the Lord
Rather than a UTV with a dump truck bed for work on our homestead, we decided to go with this machine. We purchased the Razor XP 1000 Premium edition. I’ll be selling my car (which is in storage), and this will become my primary vehicle in the country, and my wife will still have her
I am preparing this portion of our property for a new addition to our family – my Wifes Jackass, This task includes but is not limited to. The removing of an old barbwire fence, replacing it with cattle fencing, and adding two gates.
Though the nut jobs would call them aliens, they’ll even convince the government to spend billions of our tax dollars investigating them. But in Tennessee, we call them Synchronous Fireflies, and they’re only here a portion of the year. And this is the season we can enjoy them every night on our homestead. They’re better
I saw remnants of mud above this pillar and thought it was from the wasps we see around, so I was getting ready to spray it. But thankfully before spraying, we saw Barn Swallows landing there. When we sit on the porch, they make it clear that we’re not welcome. Though my video did not
Since our home is in a rural area, I appreciate our delivery professionals even more. So, I ordered a small refrigerator to place outside so that our FedEx, UPS & USPS workers, and/or anyone else doing work here can get a cold drink if they desire. Soli Deo Gloria! As Jesus said, “Thou shalt love
When we purchased our new home, we realized that a portion of the land was suffering severe water erosion, and if we did not intervene soon, some of the trees in our woods would eventually succumb to a mini avalanche. When I solicited referrals from one fellow, he recommended Sammy with the Crazy K Ranch.