This video will cause me to lose more friends. But in spite of its unpopularity, a Christian must espouse a Biblical worldview, and take a Christian stance. This is also how a Christian should demonstrate, and apply Ephesians 5:1-21. I’m seeing an increase of YouTube channels that are known for decent Doctrine, but consistently sound
In this episode I responded to a question, “Apart from the Bible, what book shaped you the most…? My answer goes against the establishment, and won’t be received well by some. I also explain how burning books can be Biblical, how we mustn’t boast in man or his books, how books must not negate our
While driving to this location I saw a sign on the freeway overpass that stated “Country before party.” Though I agree with the signage, it is a ‘secular political’ worldview. A Christian’s ‘Biblical’ worldview will have signage that states “God before country and party,” lest we commit the same sins that the prophet Jeremiah warned
Today they arrested the “package bomber.” According to law enforcement officials, 56-year-old Cesar Altieri Sayoc of Florida allegedly sent those bombs to various liberals, including past presidents. According to Florida State voter registration records, Sayoc registered as a Republican on 03/04/16. After doing an analysis of his social media presence, photos of his vehicle, and
It was a sad day today at our cities internationally known ‘Redlands Bicycle Classic.’ Though there were many decent people that ride for enjoyment (or sport), and there were some nice families. But a large number of these ‘bicycle enthusiasts’ were wicked, unregenerate, sinful idolaters. From Satan worshipers, to drunkards, to women who cursed at
It is wrong to call Rome a ‘church.’ Roman Catholicism is a religion that is sending its followers to hell. It is a Synagogue of Satan, full of Doctrines of Demons. They believe in another gospel, another spirit, and a Jesus that is not the Christ of the Scriptures. It’s odd how the many that
Perhaps this might be the most important message I’ve ever uploaded to YouTube? Over the years we’ve heard this parable taught by many Bible teachers. But often times the teacher places too much emphasis on Israel, the wedding, the bride, the groom, and/or their culture. When in fact many teachers failed to concentrate on the
Today while out of town, I stopped by this Planned Parenthood. I had not yet been at this one, the sidewalk is close to the front door. While babies are being murdered inside, idolatry and necromancy was practiced on the outside. As they prayed their rosaries, I can hear them pray to their dead canonized
I wonder how many of my tracts have been later retrieved by the Coroner. You may have put your shoes in this morning, but a mortician may remove them tonight. Are you ready to meet your Maker?
I ‘street preached’ from Revelation 21:7-8. I explained some of the Law, then preached the Gospel, and then opened up for Q&A. All private conversations were removed. UPDATE: Here’s a good article about cellphones in church.