For about one year I belonged to the two Inland Empire Fishing Facebook groups, one of them the Inland Empire Bass Fishing Facebook group. I stayed in compliance with their ‘group rules’ but got removed by their administrators. Why? For reporting inappropriate posts to their administrators. Those posts I reported were clearly in violation of
Naturally so, this sermon will be hated by the world, but unnaturally it will be disliked by a large number of professing Christians. But I believe it is ‘providentially necessary’ to sound the trumpet. If I fear to preach it, then perhaps I am a hireling, not a shepherd.
Denise is a breath of fresh air, and a voice in the wilderness (to say the least.) In this Podcast, I include an excerpt from an interview that Eric Metaxas conducted with her. After learning that Denise was terminated for her views against homosexuality, I decided to make the second half of this Podcast about
These great commands by our Lord are rarely truly applied, obeyed and/or practiced (at least from my observations). Therefore I put this sermon together for the Lord’s people. I did an exposition of the Text, and shared several experiences, and how I applied this passage to them. The sermon notes to this teaching are available
It is because of love that I write this. We must tell the truth in love, but love without the truth is unbiblical and meaningless. After the death of Robin Williams, it would be an under-statement to say how perplexed I am at some of the posts on social media by those that profess to