With all the controversy regarding law enforcement, what they need is the Gospel. Though I failed in giving a complete presentation of the Gospel, I tried. I have various other videos of other police outreaches on the IPOC web site. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power
The Legendary Ladies Luncheon, then Evangelizing the Sunset Strip Today I attended the annual Legendary Ladies Luncheon. Which was held at the famous Taix French Country Cuisine located in Los Angeles. The banquet room was a full house. Hundreds of years ago the LAPD badge depicted the name “Policeman.” Then in the 20th century a
On Friday we evangelized the infamous Boardwalk in Venice Beach (LAPD Pacific Division). As my partner Daniel stated “It’s a 2-mile open bar,” where sinister activity is highly encouraged. The Boardwalk is full of hippies, sorcerers, the occult, even a black man that claims to be Christ. This is an internationally known tourist attraction, hence
While preaching in the streets of Northeast L.A., I decided to visit the church that I was saved at, during an ‘active shooter’ incident. It was not a coincidence that I met Raul today. He remembered the shooting, and had knowledge about the main suspect that died that day. Please pray for Raul, he’s a
I arrived three hours early. It was more difficult to reach the people than I had thought. I was able to hand out about 200 Gospel tracts on the inside courtyard, but security escorted me outside. While waiting for the crowds outside, I decided to hand out tracts to law enforcement (LAPD & CHP). The following
Recently an LAPD officer that I know personally, was sharing his frustration with the city, for refusing to give them a new contract with a pay raise, as well as a better benefits package. He advised that he and many others will participate in a Blue Flu campaign. This is my video on how Christian
Once my original video on the ‘Stanley Cup’ outreach was published, it was suggested by a Christian police officer that I publish this excerpt as a stand-alone video. When Jesus said in Mark 16:15 to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,” that includes police officers. To God be
On this day I teamed up to assist many other evangelists (under Tatsuo’s lead). We split up, distributed thousands of Gospel tracts, did much crying out, and some preaching. As one Pastor, “If you don’t come into this to die, then don’t come. You’re only hurting us. You’re not helping.” I’ve been knocked down on
Sadly this is the only video I have from today’s outreach. I accidently had my GoPro settings set on “still photo” rather than “video.” I saturated downtown Los Angeles with lots of tracts (Law & Gospel). Also did a lot of ‘crying out’ & stop light preaching. Personnel from the LAPD Admin Building were also
The idolatry of decisionism, and the post-modern, emergent, contemporary, unbiblical sinners prayer. Paul Washer ~ If ANY man be in Christ he IS a NEW creation…