I arrived three hours early. It was more difficult to reach the people than I had thought. I was able to hand out about 200 Gospel tracts on the inside courtyard, but security escorted me outside. While waiting for the crowds outside, I decided to hand out tracts to law enforcement (LAPD & CHP). The following
Once my original video on the ‘Stanley Cup’ outreach was published, it was suggested by a Christian police officer that I publish this excerpt as a stand-alone video. When Jesus said in Mark 16:15 to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,” that includes police officers. To God be
On this day I teamed up to assist many other evangelists (under Tatsuo’s lead). We split up, distributed thousands of Gospel tracts, did much crying out, and some preaching. As one Pastor, “If you don’t come into this to die, then don’t come. You’re only hurting us. You’re not helping.” I’ve been knocked down on
Sadly this is the only video I have from today’s outreach. I accidently had my GoPro settings set on “still photo” rather than “video.” I saturated downtown Los Angeles with lots of tracts (Law & Gospel). Also did a lot of ‘crying out’ & stop light preaching. Personnel from the LAPD Admin Building were also
Many of us from different churches evangelized this event called “A Night of a Thousand Vaginas,” @ the West Los Angeles theater called ‘Largo at the Coronet.’ This was a fundraiser for benefiting abortions in the state of Texas. This was done in the name of ‘comedy.’ Their itinerary included comedians / entertainers such as
Yesterday I went to Los Angeles to do some evangelizing. I preached many sermons out into the open-air. From Wall Street, to Broadway Street, to the Subway system. I also ‘cried out’ from the many street corners, distributed Gospel tracts, engaged in many one-on-one conversations; and prayed for the many Angelinos that asked for prayer.
Since writing this testimony, the Lord has changed my doctrinal beliefs to be more Biblically orthodox, reformed, and Calvinistic. Lord willing, one day, I might revise the entire article: in the meantime. This testimony is to share with you how the Lord saved me from death; both physically and spiritually. He has sustained me through