Forgive the selfie that’s not my Modus of Operandi. Unlike before, I’m enjoying my journey with this new beard. Here it’s only two ½ months old and has already been trimmed twice. I’ve learned some new things this time around. In California, our humidity was often a single digit, so my dry skin itched too
America has gotten weak, fearful, and soft, including her Christendom. I long for a Christianity that is a risk-taker, that’s hated by the world; even willing to die for the cause of Christ (Acts 21:13, Matt 5:10-16, Matt 10:28, Jn 15, Philippians 1:19-26; chap 3, James 4:4-5, Fox's Book of Martyrs).
Today many pastors across America are joining Canadians in their protest against Canada’s ban on conversion therapy, as well as their new laws that limit their speech in regards to what the Bible says about sexual immorality. The Church today would do well to repent from embracing, following, or emulating postmodern pastors. Instead, they should
In this Podcast I discuss G3 Josh Buice and Paul Washer’s wrong application of Romans 13 during the COVID “pandemic.” And I give examples how I have Biblically applied this Text as a police officer, which includes praising one Church, while killing an assassin at another Church. Remember church. It is not discernment when one
This warning from Pastor Matt Trewhella is spot-on. I am thankful for the Coronavirus as the Lord used it to separate the sheep from the goats. As I recently preached in this sermon, our local churches across America are full of “spiritually neutered” men, and a “castrated Christendom.” And regarding “persecution?” Lord, let Your will
In this episode I play an audio of a preacher warning Christians 12-15 years ago, of the persecution coming to America. And then the story about a brave woman who told the judge she would not close her beauty salon, during this COVID-19 lockdown, and he sentenced her to do time in jail, where she
Pastor Brian Borgman pastors Grace Community Church in Minden Nevada. They are a 1689 Confessional Church (as is mine). Borgman gives an excellent history lesson on The Covenanters, and how this portion of church history should be applied to the current COVID-19 lockdown. He discusses the roles of ‘ecclesiastical authority’ vs the ‘civil authorities,’ and
Pastor Jerel Hagerman is senior pastor of the Calvary Chapel Joshua Springs in Yucca Valley, Calif. He politically incorrect, and Biblically correct. Pastor Jerel gives a recap of his recent tour of Washington DC. He speaks on ~ the “state of our country” how Christians must stand for the truth the apathy of so many within the
Video of my sermon preached in front of Diamond Stadium, in support of the Veterans Memorial, the Cross of Christ, and the Star of David The city of Lake Elsinore has approved the placement of a veterans memorial, just outside the entrance of their city owed Diamond Stadium. Because this soon to come memorial displays
Disclaimer: This is not a professional presentation. The content of the message is what is important. All three videos on the three different subject matters, are on this one page. Part 1/3 (Romans 13:1-5) Too many Christians within America believe that they are always to agree with, submit to, or acquiesce to those within the