Sadly, the church within America has been overcome by emasculated or spiritually natured men, as their sheeple prefer soft and nice. In step 3 of his series on Christian Resistance, pastor Matt Trewhella speaks on the need to build. We must “repent, fight, and build” while bringing in a more Biblical “tougher Christianity.” For step
Amen, what an excellent much needed exhortation. Today we live amongst a castrated Christendom, where so many males have been spiritually neutered. The vaccine is no longer about a personal choice, “understand that if you capitulate, and get that shot, you have set a precedent for the government to dictate to you to what you
Today I had an appointment with my Cardiologist, but I was denied access because I would not cover my face. The lady at the entrance called “management” and she refused service. In this podcast, I included some undercover video footage. For the record, I did leave a Gospel tract with both employees, and I even
Brethren, God-fearing men come to church to see more Christ, not more cleavage, mid-drift, or thighs. As a friend once told me, “God-fearing men come to church to keep their eyes on the Prize, not on her thighs.” Men should not have to be faced with the visualization of exposed – sexually oriented body parts