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Scathing Videos on ‘Ladies, what do your clothes say about you in or out of church?’ (Sermon jams on 1st Timothy 2:8-9- parts 1&2,) by CJ Mahaney

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“Don’t allow Satan to lure you in. And don’t allow Satan, to use you as his bait!” Bill Rhetts

This message applies to professing Christians, not non-believers visiting a church.

Those within the church who refuse to respect Biblical modesty will probably unbiblically judge this pastor’s heart. They might even wrongfully call him a “legalist,” “self-righteous,” or even “unloving” for preaching the truth in love.

These adhomin attacks are a smoke screen or distraction device to silence the truth. 

Brethren, God-fearing men come to church to see more Christ, not more cleavage, mid-drift, or thighs. As a friend once told me, “God-fearing men come to church to keep their eyes on the Prize, not on her thighs.” Men should not have to be faced with the visualization of exposed – sexually oriented body parts while attending ‘church. That building we call ‘church’ ought to be a place where there is less temptation. 

The Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t want us to cause others to stumble. “And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea” (Mark 9:42).

“A church serves as a sanctuary, from the continual barrage of temptation towards sin.” C.J. Mahaney.

What Guys Think About Modesty? Part 1 of Modesty, by CJ Mahaney

Ladies, What Do Your Clothes Say About You? Part 2/2 of Modesty, by CJ Mahaney

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