If you’re looking for eloquent speech, polished words, and a professional voice inflection; you won’t find it here. Sorry about the new word I invented “O’believe.” It does have an Irish pronunciation to it. 😉 After preaching this message, this woman approached me. She admitted that she was married, but was pregnant with a child
On March 3rd, 1986 Rialto Police Sergeant Gary Wolfley was enroute to a radio call. His wife Candice (Candy) happened to be on a ride along with Gary. However upon arrival tragically the suspect shot and killed Gary with Gary’s own handgun. Gary’s funeral was the first police funeral that I had attended as uniformed
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18). Disclaimer: Not all persons at this abortion mill are necessarily having an abortion.
“But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:” (Matthew 15:18-19).
The bus stops are just another phase of a multi-phase Christian response to terrorism in our community. This s one of those very long buses. My ‘Black Robe Regiment’ approach to different news media outlets is next. I also preached at the United States Dept. of Homeland Security HQ. The feds ordered me to leave
This outreach is one of many phases of a multi-phase outreach. Every neighbor received a Gospel tract (either in person, or on their front door). I engaged in many conversations. Prayed, preached, and shared the Gospel. The conversations and preaching was redacted. Most of the neighborhood (not all) seemed to be back to normal. Tolerant,
This candlelight vigil was put-on by the city of San Bernardino. This was the first phase of a multi-phase outreach. By Gods grace I was able to distribute 500 Gospel tracts. Engaged in one on ones, and prayed with others. I have also uploaded some of my interviews with major news outlets. This afternoon I
This is one of many interviews. Some I videotaped, others I did not (I forgot to hit record). In this video she asked me a little about the terrorist attack. She then asked how I would feel if this become a “political” issue, or about “gun control.” As well as fiscal issues with law enforcement.