DISCLAIMER: The following documentary is not a Christian produced/directed film. Hence IPOC Ministries is not aligning themselves with the producer, director, nor any other person(s) affiliated with this film. IPOC is not an anti-government organization. However as your sheepdog, I believe in warning the sheep. – Chaplain Bill. A Christian friend from California Nurses for
However this will not be the time ‘for all’ to hide out, some must ‘go out’ and preach the glorious Gospel. And all the born-again believers said “amen.” For more links on persecution, click on our persecution tag here. For more Watchman applicable posts, click on our Watchman tag here.
A counter detail to Law Enforcements socialist communist “Cash for Guns” program Last night a uniquely picked group of citizens (myself included) met with Phillip Naman, for a press conference with a media spokesperson. Naman’s the radio talk show host of the “Firing Line” radio show heard, on KTIE 590AM. As you should know this
The following teaser is from “The Christian Film Project,” and the description is from their Producer. Below “is a little sneak preview of our Law Enforcement Technical Advisor [Bill Rhetts] walking the cast through scene one of “The Old Woman.” This film is about the persecution of the church. And yes law enforcement will play a significant role in this persecution.
A must see film ‘The church of tares: Purpose driven, seeker sensitive, church growth & the New World Order’ It’s interesting to see how many pastors that were once known to be doctrinally solid, have now fallen away to align themselves with Rick Warren and his heresies. Listen to some of the blasphemous comments he
Trust in the Lord always, but use much discretion with others. No I am not wearing an aluminum hat, but this has gone beyond conspiracy ‘theories.’ This is now a proven fact. Please take note that this is a secular film. The following is pasted from the videos description box. “The Chemtrail / Geo-Engineering Coverup Revealed. By now
Back in 2003 IPOC Ministries hosted a fairly large event at Immanuel Baptist Church in Highland Calif. I didn’t even attend this church, but they were gracious enough to allow us to use it. Our event was entitled ‘The New World Order Briefing’ (NWO.) Our keynote speaker was Dr. Kent Hovind (aka Dr. Dino.) Our
Dan, thank you very much for your well-spoken stand. We need more to do the same. Sadly the majority of elected sheriffs, and/or chiefs of police, either have not the courage to publicly defend the Bill of Rights; or they’re flat out against the 2nd Amendment. As a law enforcement organization, IPOC supports the Bill
Video of the Police State’s new Micro Air Vehicle (MAV,) unobtrusive, invasive, and lethal weapon. Undetected, hundreds can be dropped over a city. But the fact is, all they need is just one. Trust me, it won’t be used solely for international warfare. It will be used against American citizens. Or perhaps this could be (could be) the