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Tag: New World Order

A must see documentary ‘Lethal Injection: The Story of Vaccination’

DISCLAIMER: The following documentary is not a Christian produced/directed film. Hence IPOC Ministries is not aligning themselves with the producer, director, nor any other person(s) affiliated with this film. IPOC is not an anti-government organization. However as your sheepdog, I believe in warning the sheep. – Chaplain Bill. A Christian friend from California Nurses for

Teaser on the making of the Christian film “The Old Woman,” with LE Technical Advisor Bill Rhetts

The following teaser is from “The Christian Film Project,” and the description is from their Producer. Below “is a little sneak preview of our Law Enforcement Technical Advisor [Bill Rhetts] walking the cast through scene one of “The Old Woman.” This film is about the persecution of the church. And yes law enforcement will play a significant role in this persecution.