This is our new America. The most “pro-gay,” pro-feminist, ecumenical White House we’ve had yet. All of this is promoted and celebrated (emphasis added) by Big Eva, who has their nose so far up ‘the establishment’ derriere, that they cannot even see the errs of their ways. "For though we walk in the flesh, we
Are you a Disneyland believer? Professing Christians, and especially churches should not be associated with Disney in any form. Only by the grace of God so go the wretched man I am. An excerpt. #Disney #Disneyland #Disneyworld #Repentance #Holiness #Sanctification #NOTW #AgainstTheWorld #Testimonies #MoneyLaundering
But know this. This “wicked man” is not just liberals and democrats (or the media) – they can also be conservatives and republicans. Hell will be bi-partisan, hell will be well occupied by democrats, republicans, libertarians, constitutionalists, the green party, the peace & freedom party, and independents…..
During the Q&A session at a conference, Dr. Voddie Baucham was asked what he thought of “Christian Hip Hop.” Voddie shared his personal experiences in Los Angeles. As I respond to Voddie’s response, I also share how the Lord providentially put me in Voddie’s same neighborhood, at the same time in which he spoke about.
I don’t know how a true convert can watch the video excerpt of this “church service” without becoming righteously indignant or convicted. Or perhaps even shed a tear. Though this Podcast was not about Allie Beth Stuckey, but she came to mind while producing it. In the name of her pro-life, political activism, and/or republican