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Tag: Open-air preaching

Video pleading to cult members as they flee the preachers court

Though Christians are commanded to preach the glorious Gospel, we also have a duty to oppose false teachings. We’re not called to make friends with the world, nor fellowship with them, nor invite them to “church.” We’re commanded to warn them, and sometimes you will push them away, because they are already dead in their

Confessions of a Serial Killer (1 responds to the Gospel)

I preached some of the Law from the New Testament, and then the glorious Gospel. One fellow that originally rejected my IPOC Gospel tract, later responded to the Gospel (via the preaching), and then asked for a tract to leave with. “Sola Scriptura” (Scripture Alone); “Sola Gratia” (Grace Alone); “Sola Fide” (Faith Alone); “Solus Christus”

The Sword shall be satiated with your blood (open-air preaching)

Some people in line did not want to hear the preaching, but some professing Christians were encouraged. After this sermon the Lord provided opportunities for conversations and prayer requests. The Puritans often preached from the book of Jeremiah, hence came their nickname the “Jeramiahans.” Therefore I have been street preaching from the book of Jeremiah.

Video of ‘The hellbound Gangster killed by a hellbound Cop’

A street preacher said on social media that we shouldn’t give our testimonies, “because nobody cares!” So I decided to give my testimony. I used that bloody crime scene, to point them to the bloody cross. One man’s attitude did a 180, after speaking with me later (perhaps repentance). And as I was leaving, many

Video preaching ‘Are you the “rotten figs” that God detests?’ 1 woman kept correcting me, others listened, some rejoiced

The Puritans often preached from the book of Jeremiah, hence came their nickname the “Jeramiahans.” Therefore I have been street preaching from the book of Jeremiah. This morning I preached from chapter 29:17-19. One woman kept correcting me. But her unbiblical statements that Christ’s love, and/or atonement was for “everybody that wants to accept Him”