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Tag: Open-air preaching

Even if Trump & Judge Kavanaugh stood next to God, God would still… (Woman accused me of inappropriately touching her, pulling the Me Too card + hecklers)

The Puritans often preached from the book of Jeremiah, hence came their nickname the “Jeramiahans.” Therefore I have been preaching from the book of Jeremiah. This morning I preached from chapter 15:1-4. I warned them that the Lord is not pleased with how our nation, and her highest court legislate in support of sexual immorality

Preached a Theophany at the Mexican Consulate

The Puritans often preached from the book of Jeremiah, hence came their nickname, the “Jeramiahans.” Therefore I have been preaching from the book of Jeremiah. This morning I preached from chapter 6:1-7. Since all of them received a Gospel tract beforehand, and since the tracts contain all Ten Commandments, I did not preach thru the