The Puritans often preached from the book of Jeremiah, hence came their nickname, the “Jeramiahans.” Therefore I have been preaching from the book of Jeremiah. This morning I preached from chapter 12:10-13. Music ‘Give Thanks to the Lord,’ by The Zoe Group.
Since 100% of those in line accepted a Gospel tract, I decided to not preach. But while I was speaking to an encouraging Christian woman about this, another lady politely returned the tract, advising she would not read it; and so I preached.
During this outreach the following occurred. One woman mocked my message, then a Black Hebrew Israelite opposed the message. Then a man professing to be a Christian, advised he desired to “get right” with the Lord. Then Melissa responds advising she desires to “receive Jesus Christ” as her “Lord and Savior.” Please pray for Melissa,
Give Him all the praise for these wonderful ladies. I hope she contacts me, so that I can get her into a local church, mine appears to be too far. Please pray for them. The Lord knows their names, and all the details. As Jesus said in Luke 15:10 “Likewise, I say unto you, there
I recently saw a post by a Facebook ‘friend’ rejoicing in a homosexual wedding, that they had just attended as guests. Sadly they ‘profess’ (alleged) to be Christians. Frankly, it is a grave sin to accept, condone, tolerate, celebrate, acquiesce to, and/or capitulate in any way to a “gay marriage.” Since “I’m Street preaching thru
Though not seen in this video. Recently while heralding the Gospel in a public place, a pastor approached me. I was surprised and pleased, as usually pastors will either complain, or say “why don’t you invite them to your church?” But that pastor appreciated old fashioned Biblical heralding. He even associated it with being like
The following YouTuber submitted this comment today. He was present at the high school, when I preached the message that he is referring to. Averi thank you for your public comment. Your comment has been approved, and the following is my response. “Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a
When Christians go out into the world and unbiblicaly tell the unsaved worldlings “God loves you,” or “Jesus loves you,” they just love that. Because they love themselves too. But when you tell them ‘the truth in love,’ and the ‘whole counsel of God,’ they will hate you. One scoffer became very angry screaming over
Some women verbally opposed the message, while the lady in front of me encouraged me to press-on. Then a man and his son, joined in support. Then as I was leaving, one fellow summoned for me, and seemingly responded in affirmation to the Gospel call. Only the Lord knows if there was a salvific response
I preached from Psalm 144:17-21, preached both the Law and the Gospel, warned them of unbiblical soteriologies, pleaded to them to respond in repentance and faith. Some had questions afterwards (seen in upper left corner video).