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Tag: Open-air preaching

Video preaching ‘Was president Trump right saying that we’re all “children of God?” 1 lady takes a poll to see if they wanted to hear my preaching, another objects to the trinity, another tells me to “keep preaching, louder!”

This morning I preached from Matthew 18:1-4. One woman in line objected to the message, and made some comments. A second woman that is a “Theology major,” objected to my preaching. So she took a poll from the crowd to see if I should continue preaching (or not). To find out what the results of

Video preaching What about those “pearly gates?” That God requires perfection and righteousness to enter into heaven – One responds to the Gospel, many others…

This morning I preached from Galatians 4:4-5. Also that God requires ‘perfection’ and ‘righteousness’ to enter heaven; and told about the One that did that for His church. My Sovereign King did a mighty work. One responded to the Gospel, many Christians were exhorted, many asked for prayer, some asked serious questions, two brothers prayed

Video preaching on ‘Christ’s Propitiation’ (hilasmos)

On this morning I preached from 1 John 4:7-11, I zoomed-in on Christ’s propitiatory sacrifice. What did Christ’s propitiatory work implicate? That Christ atoned for the sins of His church That Christ is the Lamb…the mercy seat That Christ fully appeased the wrath of God (for His church) That Christ reconciles the sinner to His