In this Podcast I analyze a pastor’s video message, rebuking his apathy (or cowardness), and his elitist attitude. Costi Hinn made snotty derogatory remarks against Christians if they found a Biblical way to “work around the government” calling us nothing but “social revolutionaries,” or “zealots” and even “dangerous” to society. And he did that while
I don’t know how a true convert can watch the video excerpt of this “church service” without becoming righteously indignant or convicted. Or perhaps even shed a tear. Though this Podcast was not about Allie Beth Stuckey, but she came to mind while producing it. In the name of her pro-life, political activism, and/or republican
After watching the world commit unrepented continual idolatry over Kobe’s death, and then seeing Pastor Greg Laurie’s video on Kobe’s death, it’s time to say the following hard truths. Semper Reformanda! Greg Laurie’s aforementioned video can be seen here. To know more about ‘life after death,’ read my Gospel tract here. My article on the heretical
I’d rather not include the names, but I just watched a debate on whether women should preach on the Lord’s Day at church. The Opponent did a fine job until he compromised during the Q&A. A woman asked the Opponent, “Does 1st Timothy 2:11-14 apply to women gifted in preaching outside the gathering of the
We live in a time when a majority of professing Christians, and local churches from all denominations, have devalued Biblical masculine preaching. Instead, they prefer sermonettes, gentle sharing, a soft tone, mutually cooperative debates, casual conversationalism, and/or the use of other methods that are only secondary to true bold preaching (or methods that shouldn’t be used at
Out of all the well-known postmodern reformed preachers, Paul Washer is the one who I’ve shared the most videos of. The last time I counted I had over 120 Paul Washer videos on my web site. Though I have learned much from Washer, and I appreciate the many things he said in this interview, but
Today many professing Christians on social media respond as if we’re not to oppose or expose the sin of adultery. Or that we should somehow sweep that sin under the rug. The verse that they will wrongfully quote is John 8:7, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her
For the purposes of this blog post I will call the church we visited “This church.” Recently my wife and I were searching for a new church closer to home. While we were visiting churches, we had heard of a newly planted church here in Redlands, that being [name snipped]. This church was a church