This is an excellent Podcast produced by Jon Harris of Conversations That Matter. In this show, he interviews Pastor Steve Richardson in Canada. Richardson has displayed courage and conviction throughout this COVID era, as he continued to obey the Lord by holding Church services. Consequently, the police have levied charges against him, he faces six
In this podcast we will view Rebel News video of Pastor Tim’s arrest. I will then do an analysis of the egregious false teachings of the Calgary police officer. If this Calgary police officer was a member of our Church, he would be disciplined, and excommunicated.
Too many professing Christians consistently complain about the police, and from a social perspective it’s a form of antinomianism, or being against ‘law and order’ or justice. Frankly, I expect MUCH more from Pastors and professing Christians than I do the Police. Christians are a saved regenerate changed repenting people group. But like everyone else,
The below is a Probable Cause Declaration written by FBI Agent John Y. Nagashima. I am not writing this with animosity towards this Agent, he’s simply doing his job. The reason I share this is it shows how the FBI (or any law enforcement agency) can use your own social media posts against you. I
Video of the aforementioned CVS / LAPD incident here. Video by Pastor Matt Trewhella here. Video of Dr. Simone Gold Discussing what YOU Need to Know About the Current Covid Vaccines here.
He is correct that a majority of citizens have been “manipulated” into believing this false narrative. Frankly, I believe it was a demonic manipulation, and many of y’all took the bait – hook, line, and sinker. For the record, from the beginning, I have never believed the lying liberal lame stream media, nor did I
We’re living in the ender of end times when criminals and being lauded as heroes or victims, while police officers are being shamed simply for doing their jobs, and I won’t have any part of it. As I’ve said for decades, the criminals, they don’t play by the rules, but police officers are shackled by
This is not an endorsement of Prager University, but I would vote for this Sheriff. We need more police administrators like Clark, and less politically correct puppets as spoken about in this post. To know more about life after death, read my Good News Gospel tract here.
I erred by watching too much news over these last two days, and that wasn’t good for my spiritual health, nor my blood pressure. Hence in this blog post, I will share just a few of my thoughts on this subject. First, the police administrators and their officers are utilizing a pragmatic policing rather than
Our Nation’s Top Cop, Attorney General William Barr has finally addressed the unconstitutional tyranny that a majority of local churches have succumbed to. Soli Deo Gloria!. “The Constitution does allow some temporary restriction on our liberties that would not be tolerated in normal circumstances…’ But even in times of emergency, when reasonable and temporary restrictions