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Tag: Politics

Pastors Brian Gunter and Jeff Durbin expose Speaker of the House Mike Johnson

DISCLAIMER: I sometimes share excerpts from various sermons (or videos) from various Christians. However, this does not mean I endorse all views of every person shared here or in other videos on their channel. Specifically, Durbin’s theonomy. Though I’ve never voted for a Democrat, I would not vote for most Republicans. Most are pro-homosexual, and,

Women Civil Magistrates? A must-hear sermon by Dr. Joe Morecraft

For Christians to effectively engage in apologetics while defending and contending for the faith. We often apply polemics on the offense. And so, without apology, when we defend Biblical masculinity, we will often oppose egalitarianism & feminism. Dr. Joe Morecraft preached this sermon in 2008 when Sarah Palin was a Vice Presidential running mate with

EVIL: New California Bill Charges Parents with Child Abuse for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity – Bill Co-Author Once Led Successful Effort to Lower Criminal Penalties for Knowingly Spreading HIV

Before you read the Gateway Pundit article below, please read my preface. I have many things to say, but here are only some of my thoughts, lest I give the thought police ammunition. Regarding California politics. My main regret is not leaving California sooner. But dear Tennesseans, don’t be fooled to think this could not

Our Federal injustice system arms enemies while disarming citizens

Before my time, the leadership of America began spending billions arming other countries, and some of those weapons have been (and will be) used against us. In our new millennium, we learned our Federal injustice system engaged in gunwalking, aka the fast & furious gun scandal. Whereas our citizens and police later were killed with

Why I will not vote for Nikki Haley

Take note that I am not telling others whom they should vote for, but I will share my convictions here.  I will not vote for Nikki Haley. The world wrongfully proclaims that men and women are equal, but that is an incorrect teaching. Albeit men and women are equally created in the image of God, women